Welcome to the Stakes Up Top Ten Lists!

How Obsessed Are You?

10. You get really worried when your Mom dates any guy named Ted.
9. You bought your boyfriend burgundy Speedo's so he can remind you of Xander.
8. You research every guy you date in case he's some creature of the night.
7. You have so many pictures of the cast that you can't remember what your wallpaper actually looks like.
6. You bought license plate's that says "Queen C" just like Cordy's.
5. You only shop at Halloween stores named Ethan's.
4. You actually made friends with people who pronounce 'think' as 'tink.'
3. You now have this sudden thing for Dorothy Hamill
2. You take a second glance at the championship ring your brother has in his trophy case, just incase he's from the order of Tereka.
1. You go on the Internet just so you can say you're the "Net Girl" just like Willow.

How Obsessed Are You?

10. You painted your van with zebra stripes just like Oz's.
9. Whenever you go shopping for new clothes, you ask yourself, 'Would Buffy wear this?'
8. When you go to musuems you make sure no one disturbs the Incan tombs.
7. You paint your nails just like Drucilla.
6. Whenever you have a problem, or you're in trouble, you ask yourself, 'What would Buffy do?'
5. When you don't get your own way, you pout just like Drucilla.
4. You wrote a eulogy for Kendra, Gage, Cameron, the Nurse, Darla, the Master, Celia(Buffy's cousin), Luke the Vessel, the Annointed One. . .
3. You now talk with a British accent just like Giles, Drucilla and Spike.
2. When you have kids, you name your daughter Buffy. And your son Angel.
1. You made your boyfriend buy you a claddaugh ring, just like Buffy's. And made him give it to you on a dock.

How Obsessed Are You?

10. You eat animal crackers just to answer the quetion on why the monkey gets to wear clothes.
9. You carve stakes for a living.
8.You got a dog named Sunshine just because Spike had one.
7. You got every show taped.
6. You dyed your hair blond to look like Buffy.
5. You got a Clauddagh ring so you can dream that Angel gave it to you.
4. You are reading all the demonology books just "in case".
3. You know everything there is to know about slaying vampires.
2. You made friends with people who look like Xander and Willow just so you can have something in common with Buffy.
1. You wrote David Boreanaz a letter saying your sorry he's in hell.

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