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- Golden Retriever
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- Pekingese
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- Poodle
- Shih Tzu
- Overcome Your Fear Of Dogs
- Introduce A Cat To A Dog
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- Pauline's Doggy Page
- This is my younger sister's page. I helped her with this. It's quite like mine. She has a club. Go ahead and join!
- April's Homepage
- This is my other younger sister's page. I also helped her in making this page.
- Ring of Labradors
- This one's a nice ring.
- Pomeranian Ring
- They say this is an excellent ring.
- Golden Retriever Ring
- The first Golden Retriever Ring.
- Shih Tzu Ring
- This one's quite nice.
- Collie
- This is where I got my Collie pictures. A site from Sweden.
- Collies: Back To The Future
- Superb Collie Info.
- Collieworld
- Nice site. Has great pics.
- Garbo
- Nice page.
- Pepe
- A Pomeranian page.
- Chow Chow Club, Inc.
- It's a Chow Chow Club.
- Catherine's Cockers
- Cocker Spaniel Page.
- Luv Echo Collies
- A Collie Page.
- Golden Retriever Club of Greater Toronto
- A Golden Retriever Club from Greater Toronto.
- Sun Country Labrador Retrievers
- A Lab page.
- Stings Lhasa Apso
- A Lhasa Apso page.
- Divine Maltese
- A Maltese page.
- Dufforah Pekingese Homepage
- A Pekingese page.
- Queen Court Poms
- A Pomeranian page.
- Poodle Club of America, Inc.
- It's a Poodle club.
- St. Bernard Club of America, Inc.
- Another club.
- American Shih Tzu Club
- Whaddya know, another club.
- Dog Play - having fun with your dog
- It's not another club.
- Nerdworld
- This is a search engine.
- BeSeen.com
- This is where I got my Chatroom, BoardRoom, Hitcounter, Guestbook and QuickNav. Get yours now for free!

- Get your free chatroom from ParaChat!

- Get your free Dreambook now!

- Submit your site with one form!
 And this is where I got most of my animated GIFs.
 Submit your page to 34 popular sites for free, using one form! Great way to submit your site.
 A site for Alicia fans.
