
I was born in Southampton (where the Titanic sailed from) and have lived here all my life so far. I am a Library Assistant at the University of Southampton.

My first episode of the X files was "Squeeze" and then "Ice" in the same evening, I was hooked but (heresy) I didn't think DD was that nice (hey, I was young, and he's grown on he since!!) "Ice" has my favorite quote in it:- Mulder: "Before anyone passes judgement, may I remind you we are in the arctic!"

I love other types of Sci-fi too (in fact most!!) Star Trek, Doctor Who..... I also love comedy, especially Eddie Izzard, Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, Stewart Lee and Richard Herring (these are more well know in England). My favorite bands range from Queen to Nirvana to Pink Floyd (OK so my Dads an aging hippie influencing me!!) , I love most grunge/ indie/ rock stuff!

I joined the DDDB about last Dec / Jan and have really enjoyed meeting everyone "Hi Girls" *Waves* Proud member of the Gutter Girls and the official Clone-sitter and Bather ("It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it!!)


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