About PAMA-K
Brief History
Board Members
Members' List

We carry the PAMA-K-related information and the comings and goings of our members as well
so that we can keep track of the PAMA-K activities inside and outside.
- Memorial Concert for the late Chairman, Kim Yong-hyun
In the memory of the late Mr. Kim Yong-hyun, who had served as chairman of PAMA-K for 15 years but passed away on Nov 13,
a small concert was held at Goethe Institute in Seoul on December 30. Following the slide show
reviewing his dedicated life to the develpment of Korea's arts management, some Korean artists,
including Lee Sung-joo(violin), Lim Jong-pil(piano), performed to his memory. (December 31)
- 1997 FACP Conference
The 16th Conference of Federation of Asian Cultural Promotion is held in Manila from February 5 - 7, 1998.
With the subject of "Beyond Borders: GATT/WTO and Cultural Exchange" the participants will exchange ideas
and information to adjust to the international trend. We also can take an opportunity to explain to the
international managers' society the "IMF-stricken" difficulties we are in. Any member interested in joining
the meeting cotnact Mr. Kang Suk-heung at 781-1570(KBS Hall) (December 31)
- First issue of PAMA-A'S Newsletter "Performing Arts"
Beginning November PAMA-K started to issue its newsletter "Performing Arts" on a monthly basis. The monthly was edited by Mr. Chung Hoon-sang(Thomas),
printed by Mr. Kim Eok-soo(Sejong Artists Management), delivered by Chung Jae-ok(Credia). If you have any information or notice to share with each member,
please contact Mr. Chung(phone: 353-7538, fax: 353-6074).(November 31)
- Dollar-consuming Touring Peformances Discouraged
Performing arts can not shun the harsh and relentless austere policy under the IMF influence. The Ministry of Culture
and Sports discouraged organizers and managers from inviting costly foreign artists and artistic
groups in 1998. The ministry outlined its policy on the performing arts in 1998, in which the organizers were requested not to invite expensive
foreign groups, and to make payment in Korean Won, not in foreign currency. It also asked them to cope with the economy crisis in general and drastic
depreciation of Won in particular. (December 31)
- Dongduk Women's University open Dept. of Arts Management
Dongduk Women's University established the Department of Arts Management starting 1998. Member agencies are advised to open
to the would-be students' on-the-job training or internship. (December 31)
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